The Twilight series has become a phenomenon. On this website, we will discuss Stephenie Meyer books, New Moon by Stephenie Meyer, Twilight vampires, Twilight stars, and the Twilight series. We will begin, however, with some Twilight facts and some facts about the main characters in Twilight, Kristen Stewart and Edward Pattinson.
First, the film grossed more than $35 million dollars in only its first day, and then more than $69 million on its first weekend at the box office.
On its first day of release, the Twilight DVD sold more than 7 million units.
There were more than 5,000 actors that applied to become Edward in the film, but Robert Pattinson was chosen for this role.
The script for the movie only took six weeks to finish.
Many critics did not rate the film well and it received a lot of criticism, but the fans loved it.
The first choice for the role of Edward Cullen was actually Henry Cavill, star in the Tudors.
Some of Kristen Stewart's film scenes were completed by a stunt double.
Stephenie Meyer, the author, got her idea for the Twilight series from a dream she had about a vampire that loved a girl but also lusted after her blood at the same time.
While filming the movie, Kristen Stewart turned eighteen years old.
Bella grew up in Phoenix, Arizona, and so did the author of the series, Stephenie Meyer.
The first chapter Stephenie Meyer wrote was chapter 13, because it was directly based on her dream.
Kristen Stewart, star of Twilight, was first discovered by an agent when she was only eight years old and she was a star in the Christmas pageant in her elementary school.
Robert Pattinson, the actor who plays Edward Cullen, actually wants to be a rock star.
Meyer was influenced by a number of classics when she wrote the series, including Pride and Prejudice and Romeo and Juliet.
Meyer named a few of the characters from the series the names of ex boyfriends from her past.
Robert Pattinson Facts
Robert Pattinson is an English actor, musician, and model and is best known for his role playing Edward Cullen in Twilight. His mother, Clare, worked for a modeling agency, while his father, Richard, imported vintage vehicles from the United States. He started doing amateur theatre with the Barnes Theatre Company. He began taking on acting roles. While doing so, he got the attention of an acting agent and began searching for professional roles.

When Pattinson was twelve years old, he started his modeling career. His career as a model basically ended when he turned 16, as he blamed his lack of work on his more masculine look.
Pattinson enjoys playing the piano and guitar, and he also composes his own music. He also sings two songs on the Twilight soundtrack, called "Never Think" and "Let Me SIgn."
Pattinson currently lives in Los Angeles. He says he took a quarter of a Valium in order to relax his nerves before he auditioned for Twilight. He also admits to smoking. In 2008, he was named one of the "Sexiest Men Alive" by People magazine. He does not have a girlfriend and doesn't feel like it would be good in this environment.
Kristen Stewart
Kristen Stewart was born in 1990 and is an actress best known for her role as Bella Swan in Twilight and New Moon, but she has also been in the films, Panic Room, Zathura, Adventureland, The Messengers, and In the Land of Women.

Stewart was born in and grew up in Los Angeles, California. Her father is a stage manager and television producer named John Stewart. Her mother is a script supervisor originally from Australia. She has one older brother named Cameron Stewart. Although she attended school until she was in the seventh grade, she then had to continue her education through correspondence, and she has since completed high school.
When Stewart was eight years old, she began her acting career. After she played the role of the diabetic daughter of Jodie Foster in Panic Room, she was then given more options. One of her most critically acclaimed roles was in Speak, which she completed when she was only thirteen years old. She played the part of Melinda Sordino, who stopped verbal contact after being raped. Stewart also played roles in Zathura, Fierce People, and In the Land of Women. She has since completed her role of Bella Swan in Twilight and New Moon.
Kristen Stewart lives in Woodland Hills located in Los Angeles, California. In 2008, she was dating an actor named Michael Angarano, who was a costar of hers from the movie Speak. She has also expressed an interest in working and living in Australia, where her mother is from. She also wants to go to college for literature and become a writer.